C Dominique Gibson
While driving to school today, I noticed a much mangled vehicle on the back of a flat bed truck. There were no orange tags on it so I’m going to assume that the accident happened either today or last night. I couldn’t imagine a person surviving that seeing as though the whole driver’s side is missing, but miracles happen. Jutting out of the driver’s window was a branch… I immediately thought that the car somehow got wrapped around the tree and my mind wandered back to the loss of life.

Life… is subject to the reaper. Our time ends when death comes to claim us. We do not think about it everyday, nor do we even notice that it is all around us, a wilted flower… brown leaves separated from their life force… a child gone from its mother too soon. So in reflection of all those things which remind us that infinity is only true in death for living organisms, I have posted the photo of the car (it is very blurry) and a haiku along with 2 poems I wrote some years back. The first I wrote when I was feeling the full weight of death stealing from the living, and the second when I realized how short-lived true joy is before someone snatches it from beneath you. Enjoy…

A haiku

The silent Assasin
Time does not serve us
We are merely its subjects
Death waits for no man…

Flores para los Meurtos

Ice cold, and clammy, my heart fades.
No will to move, but one bone in my body.
Physical pain and torture would not faze me,
Dead to feeling, only loneliness plagues me.
Numb to emotions, though I bear their scars,
Dead to this world, that which I have parted.
Doomed to die from the moment this miserable life started.
Who should dare make me feel again?
One who brought but a single rose.
As my soul melts, so do the petals,
Dissolved by my window pane.
Who would bring a once living flower, to a condemned soul?
Who should be so thoughtful?
A flower detached from its bush,
Will wither away.
So as my soul melts into nothingness.
It was fitting I had been brought a withering rose.
It is only fitting that the living bring...

©2009 ChristyGibson aka C. Dominique Gibson


Happiness is a figment of our imaginations, an illusion.
Mindlessly searching we are, for a nonexistent entity of a feeling.
A temporary jolt of goodness, lasting 10 seconds too long until REALITY, kicks us in the rear.
Frail things we are to believe that endless happiness is in the restraints of earthly bonds.
Earthly bonds bind only those things tangible, mortal, even the strongest, most firm, rock of a foundation will wear away,

Everything here now on earth will die, countdown to the day...the moment, the hour, everything once sweet will eventually spoil and sour...whether by death, illness or just for the hell of it.

Happiness died today...In my heart, come to the home going ceremony, the burial will start.

I refuse to be a victim of illusion, sour murdered sweet, by the erroneous theory, in this HUMAN

© 2009 C. Dominique Gibson
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