C Dominique Gibson
So, everyone knows that I appreciate the simple things that most people tend to ignore. They do not do so on purpose but instead do so because of circumstance. That circumstance is the state of being busy. I do my best to take time out to appreciate those simple things and share them with you. While walking Bailey (my Youzer and gateway to my muse, Nature), I saw a most beautiful, peaceful scene. There was big Willow Tree swaying the tranquil breeze in the center of a clearing. So I have constructed a Haiku in its honor which could not be more symbolic. The origin of both the Willow Tree and the phenomenon that is the Haiku is Japan. So here is the Tree, followed by the Haiku.

A Haiku

Calming leaves of green
Shelters weary wonderers
And promise rest...
-C.Dominique Gibson
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