C Dominique Gibson
Today, I was thinking about all the people, who have loved and lost. In that number was I. I thought about all the people, friends, relatives I’ve lost and never got the chance to say goodbye to. Then I thought about everyone who has ever been in love with someone, never got over them and they passed. If you had to write them a letter, what would you say?

Here is what I came up with…

Dear Beloved Gone Before Me,

I wanted to say this for a while now,

Perhaps it is too late… you are before the world, gone.

I loved you, more than I have words to express.

I’m sorry I didn’t stand by your mother as she wept for you…

You see, I watched from a gravestone,

As they lowered you to the ground,

I watched from a distance as your… fiancĂ© wept.

I had no place there I realized… I should have left.

I was your past, though I wished to be your future.

And yet, your future is no more.

It left you that fateful day.

I only approached you, after THEY left.

And though I said goodbye then,

I didn’t really.

Because I couldn’t bear to let you go.

I know you wonder, what that has to do with now,

I know you wonder why I brought this letter and a single white rose,

I know you wonder where that leaves us in terms of closure.

Or maybe you had closure the day you walked away from me…

And I am left to say my FINAL GOODBYE

Yours in love and truth,

The one you left behind

©2009 C. Dominique Gibson

A Haiku

Love everlasting

Life ever ending, never

Long enough for us…

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