Ever went about your day as normal? Things are going great, then something happens that leads to nostalgia. And its not a good feeling either. Happened to me a few days ago. A song played that was popular when I was 15, the first time I had my heart shattered into a million pieces. Its not like I care about the person anymore, its just that what I felt came rushing back. I feel it sometimes when I read a book and the MC has their heart yanked out of their chest and used for batting practice. Saliva thick in my throat , prickly pain radiating through my chest, sudden loss of appetite and the rapid onset of depression. Yet, just as quickly as the feeling came, it evaporated. I guess that's what nostalgia is. Anyway, I marveled at just how resilient the human heart is. It has the power to forgive the most insensitive acts against it and to rebuild itself and though it gets better, its never really the same. This sonnet is about the prior feeling, the darkness of heartache.
Sonnet #2
Walking through snow, ice falls - diamond raindrops
No soft pitter-patter, so sweet silence
harsh sound doth echo through the frigid air
No source to blame for this most piercing noise
This forest empty no life nor light be near
Alone here in the frightful darkened night
Spirit far from men who think hearts be toys...
This bare landscape reflects my erratic state
created by my mind's most grand demise
A heart once soft now composed of black ice
Hang only by threads tinged with love despite
You've controlled those thin and so fragile strings
Seeing you with her freed them from their fate
So this frozen heart shatters as it breaks...